Plenary Lectures

Prof. Lourdes Ramos
Lourdes Ramos is a Senior Scientific Researcher of the Spanish Scientific Research Council (CSIC, IQOG, Madrid, Spain). Her main research interests include the development of novel miniaturised sample preparation approaches for the fast and green determination of trace organic pollutants in environmental and food samples, and the evaluation of hyphenated gas chromatography-based techniques, in particular those based on mono-dimensional, multidimensional and comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography combined with mass spectrometry, for the target, suspect and non-target analysis of organic contaminants in complex mixtures.
She is author of more than 100 scientific papers, editor of a multi-authored book on Comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography edited by Elsevier, member of the editorial advisory board of Journal of Chromatography and editor of the journal Advances in Sample Preparation

Dr. Court Sandau
Chemistry Matters
Court Sandau is an adjunct professor at Mount Royal University. He is owner and principal at Chemistry Matters Inc., a niche chemistry and environmental consulting firm that has been operating for over 10 years. Chemistry Matters specializes in arson investigations as well as expert witness consulting for environmental forensics, chemical fingerprinting, fate and transport as well as and human and wildlife biomonitoring for litigious matters.
Court Sandau has been developing and working with advanced analytical methods since 1995. He has established the use of GCxGC analysis in litigious matters with its application to environmental forensics and arson case studies and has applied the technique to hundreds of cases and investigations since 2011. The results from many of these cases using GCxGC analysis and worked on by Dr. Sandau have been accepted by the courts.

Lenny Kouwenhoven is the Standardization Project Manager at Petroleum Analyzer Company (The Netherlands). She has 35 years of experience in applications based on Gas Chromatography dedicated to the petroleum industry. In the past 20 years, she participated in the global standardization communities such as ASTM, CEN, ISO, EI, NEN and DIN in both member and leadership positions and has directed the development and adoption of several chromatography test methods within these organizations. Her current project is the development of the first ASTM method based on GCxGC for hydrocarbon group-type analysis of hydrocarbon liquids, including aviation turbine fuels, which resulted in acceptance of D8396 in 2022
Lenny Kouwenhoven
Petroleum Analyzer Company
Background Photo: Tourism Canmore Kananaskis / Brendan von Son