Professor Chadin Kulsing
John B. Phillips Award

Chadin Kulsing completed his Ph.D. in Prof Milton Hearn’s group (Monash University, Australia) developing novel techniques in capillary electrophoresis for improve analysis of chiral amino acids and peptides, and was a postdoctoral researcher in the group of Prof Philip Marriott gaining experience related to GC´GC and hyphenation of separations. He is currently an assistant professor of analytical chemistry in the Department of Chemistry, Faculty of science, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand, focusing on theoretical and computational approaches to support experimental design in GC´GC, development of novel cryogen-free modulation technologies and new hyphenation technologies. Research interests include automated sample preparation, selectivity tuning, high temperature GC´GC and data independent/high resolution mass spectrometry. His research interests also cover volatile compounds in sweat and portable sweat test sensors for disease screening as well as application of thin layer chromatography, electrocoagulation, ionic liquids, metal organic frameworks, molecularly imprinted polymers and sumanene-based materials for selective extraction and separation of essential oils, foods and beverages. He has an h-index of 19 and has published 76 international research papers (32 papers in GC´GC areas since 2014). Chadin loves GC´GC to the extreme!
Congratulations Chadin!