GCxGC Awards
The symposium annually awards the leaders in the GCxGC field who have made significant contributions in instrument development, applications, theory, software, and/or have contributed to the continued growth of the technology.
Scientific Achievement Award
The Scientific Achievement Award (also called the Lifetime Achievement Award) was instituted in 2011, and recognizes GCxGC scientists who have 15 or more years of continuous contributions in the field. Click on the conference logo to view last year's winner.
John B. Phillips Award
The Phillips Award (first given in 2004 to honor the memory of Prof. John B. Phillips, the inventor of GCxGC) recognizes individuals who have typically worked in the GCxGC field for less than 10 years but have demonstrated good leadership through their scientific peer-reviewed work. Click on the photo of Prof. Phillips to view last year's winner.
JEOL - Richard D. Sacks Awards
The Sacks Awards were established in 2013 to honor the memory of Prof. Richard D. Sacks, a world-renowned analytical chemist who embraced the GCxGC technology in his laboratory at the University of Michigan (USA) for a few years before his untimely death in February 2006. These awards recognize the 3 most outstanding student presentations at the symposium, which are selected by members of the organizing committee. Since 2021, this award has been sponsored by JEOL. Click on the photo of Prof. Sacks to view the list of previous award winners

Background Photo: Tourism Canmore Kananaskis / Edgar Bullon